The new school year is once again arriving, and it is important to make sure that your school age children are current on their recommended vaccinations. It is noteworthy that The 2017–2018 flu season had a record number of reported flu like illnesses many with reported hospitalizations.
The Center for Disease Control publishes a recommended childhood immunization schedule for children from ages newborn to six years old as well as vaccines for preteens and teenagers. A yearly flu vaccine is recommended for everyone unless contraindicated by a physician, beginning with children as young as six months. In addition to the flu vaccine, the HPV vaccine, TDaP , and the meningococcal conjugate vaccine are recommended for pre-teenagers. There are a number of publications online explaining the benefits of these vaccines. Your child's pediatrician or a primary care physician can explain the benefits and discuss any concerns you might have about the benefits and risks, if any of recommended vaccines.